Monday, March 2, 2015

More Happiness Than You have Yet Experienced!

Luis and his family with Aurore, who gave us
the referral, and her father who baptized him!

Bonjour tout le monde!  I hope you are all having a great day when you read this email! This week has been a week like most weeks.  It has had its "ups" and "downs" but when you are having "ups" you forget the "downs".  There is a line in all mission call letters that says, "Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His children."  That is so true and I've been able to recognize how little things make me happy and the news of Luis getting baptized made for a happiness that is different from anything I've ever experienced!  No object or item in this world can make you as happy as this.  The best part is that it is a happiness that we call all have!

So, first (like I mentioned earlier) Luis was baptized in Nancy.  I am so happy for him and I was able to talk to him after the baptism.  He seemed so happy and I can't wait to see how the gospel changes him and his family.  I even got to talk to Srdan and say "hi" and see how things are going with his family!

Second, Simon said he'd come to our young adult Family Home Evening at the church at 6:30 Monday night.  He wanted to meet us in front of a restaurant at 6:15 so that he could get on the right bus and we could all go together.  The clock ticked away and as the bus was pulling up we thought we'd have to go without him but guess who came running around the corner and was able to catch the bus...Simon!

Third, we went porting, in the rain, in a very nice area, and after 2 1/2 hours of no success it was time to go back and take the bus home.  We decided to give it one more try.  Guess what?  The lady knew the Mormons from when she lived in Germany and wanted to have us come back when she could be a better host!  #8:55miracle
"Into the woods"
Here we are porting in the rain!
Fourth, we returned to Rouen for Elder Barber's visa and it brought back great memories from when I served there about a year ago!

Fifth, we were able to teach a recent convert, Jean-Francois, and he bore his testimony and the spirit filled the room when he testified of how the gospel has changed his life.

Last, but not least, Elisabeth and her family stuffed us with good food because she doesn't want us to go hungry!!!

Sharing the gospel every day in different and simple ways has brought me a happiness that can't be found anywhere else!  If you are looking for a little more happiness or to bring back those feelings you had on your mission do a simple act this share something on social media, talk to a friend or give someone a Book of Mormon.  I'm sure we all know someone who needs the Gospel and I promise you that you will feel a great joy if you share it!  Here are two of my favorite scriptures that express this feeling...

*D&C 31:3  "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come, and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation."

*Alma 29:9  I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it.  I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance, and this is my joy."

Each of our mission is here on earth and it is now that we can share the Gospel with those around us.  Just as Alma says when we are an instrument in his hands there is joy that comes from that.  I am so grateful to taste that joy on my mission.  I hope each of us can even when we are not full time missionaries.

Thank you for all your prayers and emails.  I love and miss you all and hope that you have a great week.  Till next week...

Elder Player

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