Last week started off with lots of good food and ended with lots of good food too! After district meeting on Tuesday we went to visit someone less active. We found her after two wrong apartments but had a great lesson with her and her son, Pedro who's eight. That's a great age! We are hoping to get her to come back to church soon! After that we made our way to the Hatch home, or better known as the Hatch Chateaux. We made our way down the lane and then had some delicious pasta and a fun message. Since they have a U.S. base close by the sent us home with a box of American cereal of our choice. I got Blueberry Frosted Mini Spooners and some real milk that is refrigerated...good stuff! Then we rushed back to the metro for our rendezvous with Sylvestre and Eleana. It took us about an hour to get there and, as usual, they had prepared a delicious meal for us. When they asked if we'd eat with them, even though we had already eaten,we said, "Bien Sure"! (Of course) We had fish, potatoes, bread and all sorts of good stuff. Then we had an awesome lesson and left very full!
We had another mangez-vous on Wednesday with the Wilkins family. Brother Wilkins is our ward mission leader. They just moved here from Spain, are Americans, and are working here for the next few years. We had sesame chicken, rice and rhubarb cobbler...YUM! Elder Eldredge got to play his guitar for a few minutes and seemed to be in heaven! Since this week was filled with a few frudges and other events, we were unable to do a lot of contacting and porting. We met a few awesome people. We try to remember that they might not accept it now but we are planting seeds for later.
The next day we had lunch with Frere Fraikin. As always, we were treated like kings. It is always something to look forward to every Thursday. We met with the Mulunda family and ended the day with Kingsley and Marsella. We decided to teach on temples and the sealing power. We asked, "What would it mean if you could be with your family forever?" Kingsley said, "It's every man's dream!" We explained it was possible with the temple. This time they really understood and believe that there is only one true church. The rendez-vous went great and I have never testified so strongly about the gospel, temples and eternal families. The spirit was so strong and I know it made them really start to think.
Friday we went and saw the Johnson family and talked to them about general conference coming up. They are so amazing, and even though they have so little, they give so much. We finished our lesson and had hot meat triettes. It was probably the most spicy thing I have ever eaten in my life, but was delicious.
Saturday we had a long day with no lessons planned so we started contacting. Papy, from the park, called us over on our way home. I introduced Elder Eldredge and he introduced us to his brother. His brother has a Book of Mormon and started talking about Moroni. I talked to him for a while and he said he wants to stop smoking and I said we could help. He was super interested in our church so we got info and will be teaching him this week.
Finally, to finish the week we had fast Sunday yesterday. During church I said a little prayer that we could use our priesthood to give blessings in French this week. Little did I know that my prayer would be answered in the next 10 minutes. Prayer works! We had a linger longer after church and I made a cake for it. There was tons of food there from every culture in the world. Our ward is so awesome. I sat by a member named Rey. He is here becoming a pilot and is from the Congo. He's going to Phoenix in January to start flying Cessna's and was asking how he could get to Salt Lake. I explained by car or plane and he asked about trains. He was shocked to hear we don't have trains in America like they do here. It's so fun to meet people from all over the world. We finished the day with some porting and met all different types of people. I saw the largest dog I've ever seen in my life. I could easily ride him like a horse.
Next week is General Conference and we are so excited to watch. The time difference makes it so we have our first session on Saturday at 6 pm, which is live, and then the others go until 8 pm on Sunday and one on Monday morning. While you're watching the two morning sessions, we'll be doing the same thing at the same time. That's all from Belgium! Elder Eldredge is great and I love having him as my comp. Our apartment is great and it'll be a great transfer. Thanks for all your support and have a great week!
Love and miss you all!
Elder Eldredge and me emailling! |
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Belgium chocolate - Yum! |
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